

Transcript goes here. Pending

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The nostromo crew listen to the broadcast - for money - alien comic page

Pg.Back Cover [1982/83?]

Don't worry new reader, you've arrived at the back cover of a later less unfunny adaptation that I did, but never finished.

But you can continue reading the earlier version this Wednesday 25th January 2012. Aaaand, if you haven't seen the earlier version yet, please hop on over to the front cover to catch-up. Thanks!

John White


movies. com review of alien age 11 webcomic

"You must read this - It's super-underground - it's all kinds of incredible - magic was made."

Peter Hall -
More reviews»

By the same creator!

star wars age 9 webcomic, linked promo image

between wars webcomic, linked promo image


the alien movie logo cut out of corrugated cardboard!AGE 11 - SIGHT UNSEEN