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Parker might be persuaded - for money - alien comic page

Pg.8: We can land on it? [1982/83?]

Irresponsible advice. If only I'd listened...

Today, I was so preoccupied with parenting, housework, children's birthday parties etc, etc., I actually completely forgot about today's page! So, I'll keep it brief. Yesterday, I was recalling those hellish - soul-destroying few weeks at the Dublin animation studio back in 1990 - which so quickly disillusioned me. On a positive note (yes I do occasionally find them) I managed to dig up the old going-away card that was made for me by a nice fellow called Dan (I think it was him - or was it his friend Paul?). It was a folder for putting the Ninja Turtles animation drawings into. Dan - or Paul - did a portrait of me and sellotaped it onto the folder to make a great big card. I think they also got the portrait printed onto a T-shirt! Lots of nice messages were inscribed into it including a wonderful one by the animator and filmmaker Jimmy Murakami, one of the owners of the company. He was one of the well-liked and respected ones.

a personal going away message from Jimmy T. Murakami

"I agree with you. Do something you like!! Jimmy T. Murakami" (plus a rapid self-portrait - presumably!)

That was good advice - in hindsight. Instead of telling my teenage nephews and nieces to study hard so they can get good grades and a well-paid secure job, I just ask them: "But, what do you really want to do?"

More tomorrow - yep, on a Sunday! We can get through this...


movies. com review of alien age 11 webcomic

"You must read this - It's super-underground - it's all kinds of incredible - magic was made."

Peter Hall -
More reviews»

By the same creator!

star wars age 9 webcomic, linked promo image

between wars webcomic, linked promo image


the alien movie logo cut out of corrugated cardboard!AGE 11 - SIGHT UNSEEN